September 26, 2011

My Little Black Dress

These girls want to live like stars. But are hit hard by reality!

Yoo-min, Hye-ji, Min-hee, and Soo-jin are university students majoring in theater and film. They fully believe that when they graduate they will live like movie stars. However, the only life experience they have is in a few relationships and clubbing to the wee hours of the moring. They have been hit hard by reality.

When Hye-ji suddenly rises to stardom, jealousy rears its ugly head among the girls and their friendship begins to show cracks in its foundation.

Will the four young women be able to embark on the second act of their lives after a period of confusion? 

Actress birthday :

Yong Eun Hye
Oct 3,1984

Park Han Byul
Nov 17,1984

Yoo In Na
June 5,1982

Cha Ye Ryun
July 16,1985

September 8, 2011

放假去戏院看了‘大武生’和 'Nasi Lemak 2.0'

清末,孟氏家族因支持革命被摄政王定罪,满门抄斩。行刑当日,少年孟二奎(韩庚饰)侥幸被少年关一龙及其师傅——大武生余胜英救下,幸免一死,自此拜师余胜英,与关一龙一起跟随师父习武唱戏,兄弟两人感情深厚。《大武生》绝代双骄亮相,摄政王观看余胜英演出,赐“武生泰斗”金匾,却遭上海武生岳江天挑衅夺去金匾。余胜英从此一蹶不振,一龙(吴尊饰)、二奎兄弟俩艰苦练武,誓为师父报仇。 清朝末年,民国建立,兄弟俩长大学成,抱着为已故恩师复仇的念头直奔上海滩,挑战当时红透半边天的岳江天,岳江天落败不堪受辱当场自尽,兄弟俩夺回金匾。岳江天的女徒弟当家花旦席木兰(徐熙媛饰)为保住岳家戏班,忍痛答应剧院老板,与兄弟俩搭班唱戏。自此,他们三人卷入错综复杂的关系,展开一幕幕围绕着爱情、欲望、欺诈和背叛的故事。

nasi lemak 椰浆饭有了新的认识。。。